The LLC Resonant converters I bought are indeed just mains rectification and filtering followed by the LLC Resonant Converter. No PFC.
Something I will try over the next few days with one of these units is putting a high voltage linear regulator ( between the mains rectification and filtering and the converter.
Thanks for tip about common mode noise and scope readings. I'll do some measurements with small spring tip instead of the long ground lead. I've seen 2.54 millimeter female breakaway headers soldered to PCBs for attaching these tips. My process for testing high voltage equipment is to put all metre and scope probes in place with the equipment off, turn on and stand back. Take readings and turn off.
I don't have an isolation transformer.
I'll put some requirements together for a new power supply and we can take it from there. The one I have has 5 DC output voltages 420V, 8V, 8V, 6.3V and -150V. That increases the complexity of the transformer. Only the 420V has a control loop. The 2 8V supplies and the 6.3V supplies have buck converters. The -150V supply is a simple single transistor regulator.