A research paper from lirpa-tsrif university proposes using solar neutrinos instead of photons to collect energy from the sun. Just 19% of the suns energy is emitted as visible light, the remainder is distributed across the electromagnetic spectrum with the majority in the infrared band. Around 3% of suns energy is carried away by neutrinos and it is these which the paper proposes using.
Normally neutrinos do not interact with matter, it would take many lightyears of lead to stop them. However, this is only true for ordinary matter made from up/down quarks and electrons. So called Gen2 matter, made from charmed and strange quarks along with the muon, could catch 80% of neutrinos in a few mm. These normally unstable particles would be stable within the confines of a Gen2 atom in exactly the same way that a neutron is stable when part of an atom. A free neutron has a half life of 14 minutes.
Calculations indicate a solar neutrino hitting a Gen2 carbon atom would pump a muon to emit a near ultra-violet photon on the way down. These photons could be converted to usable power with a conventional solar panel. The paper proposes a deposition layer of Gen2 matter over Gen1 silicon panels, but stops short of indicating how this could be achieved in practice.
Ref: Solar neutrino panels