Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's

PCB-4S7A-01 Lithium Ion protection board won't start


Is there something I need to do to start these boards?

I've installed two new boards, PCB-4S7A-01 4S on four cells. The cells are at about 4V each, within a few hundredths of a volt each. But the output from the PCB is zero volts.

I can't link to where I bought the boards, but these appear to be a slightly higher current version of the same thing.

Is there something special I need to do to get these to work? Or a specific order I need to solder the cells to the boards? Because of the way they are laid out in the pack (I'm replacing a bad board), the simplest way is to solder B+, B-, then B3, B2, and B1 last.

I answered my own question....

I connected the power terminals P+ and P- to a generic power supply set at 14.8V@100mA, and the PCB has started working.


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