Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's
PFC inductance
I am workign on universal power supply which I found on TI web site. It is universal 400W switching power supply. I am trying to fully understand it first, all the parts like EMI filter, PFC correction circuit, Buck circuit etc, and likely I will have more questions further down the road.
The main idea is to redesign this circuit so that it can power 500W load.
I started with PFC and I got little stuck with inductor selection. I spent lot of time learing about the PFC and topologies (CRM and CCM), single channel and double channel interleaved. So I understand that part.
On the attached image is the PFC circuit. So we have 2 channel interleaved configuration that is based around UCC28063DR. Based on the datasheet, for my case (500W output) I managed to calculate inductance L1=L2=121 uH, IL_PEAK = 9.7365 A and IL_RMS = 3.97 A. NP/NS = 8.
On the original schematic, they are using PFC4124 shown in the attachemnt section. I know that the current for the interleaved mode is lower thous we can use smaller inductance so I assume this is why output power for this inductance is 300 W. But can I reause this inductance in my case when I want to have 500W output and considering values I calculated.
So are you asking if you can design a pfc controller using manufacturer A's part with data from manufacture B ?
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