Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's
Potential game changer: Kyocera to roll out new Li-ion battery in 2020
Compared to current Li-ion battery technology:
Safer and more reliable
Reduced material cost by about 40%
Maybe as much energy density as 500Wh/kg
Significantly more easily recycled
Its not even a factor two in energy density.
In the 90s we had a saying that a customer would be very interested if a new product had a gain of 6dB, but 12dB would be a game changer, anything less is slow progress.
--- Quote from: Kjelt on July 10, 2019, 08:52:23 pm ---Its not even a factor two in energy density.
In the 90s we had a saying that a customer would be very interested if a new product had a gain of 6dB, but 12dB would be a game changer, anything less is slow progress.
--- End quote ---
ok, not all industries are the same.
Technologies such as Nimh and Nicd have completely leveled off for example.
I was looking for LiFePo4 results but don't see any ? I'm surprised .
Anyone able to point me to a similar graph for LFP please ?
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