6 mosfets per motor surely? They are three phase machines.
Usual approach is gong to be a micro running the whole thing, possibly one of the various dual core offerings so you can have the small core doing the really hard realtime motor control stuff and the bigger one handling flight dynamics and related functions. Have a poke around the ST STM stuff IIRC they do some micros that have the numerous timers that are useful for producing gate drive signals for such things and I think there is example code for field oriented control out there in an app note, including code for sensorless operation which seems sane in this case (You don't likely need very low speed control, so why bother with the sensors?), some of the micros have ADCs and comparators useful for the motor drive stuff on chip.
Likely you can find a modest integrated three phase bridge and gate driver as a packaged part, maybe with integrated low side current sense, which will save significant area if you can find a suitable part, I would be eyeballing Infineon's offerings, maybe also TI.
There are standalone motor controller chips, but you are going to have a micro anyway, might as well save on 4 chips and just do it in software.
48V is good, but it is going to be a question of what fets best suit your purposes, also what works for battery form factor, these is sometimes something to be said for designing to use standard power tool batteries!
Don't forget you need to keep the hash out of the radio & gps subsytems as well as anything like analogue video links, so EMC is a first class consideration in design, as annoyingly is weight which directly comes of your cargo capacity and duration.
On that subject, bigger props are almost by definition better then smaller ones (As long as the tips stay subsonic!) simply because momentum is mv, but energy is mv^2, more air slower is less energy cost then less air faster.
It is a nice little toy project, and can grow to arbitrarily complex as it grows sensors, failsafes and extra telemetry, should be fun.
There is plenty of open source work in this space, and I am sure you will find both BLDC drive and full up drone hardware and software on github, none of this is magic.