Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's
Renewable energy propaganda vs real life
I accedentally heard that "germany gets 100% of it's energy from renewables".
Ok it was Bill Maher that said it with the former EPA lady Gina McCarthy nodding appropriately as seen here:
at 2:26
My gut told me to "go look it up".
Then, on purpose I found out two things:
A) Germany's power from "renewables" is at best less than 50% ( https://www.dw.com/en/german-renewables-deliver-more-electricity-than-coal-and-nuclear-power-for-the-first-time/a-49606644 )
B) prices are going up up up
( https://www.reuters.com/article/us-germany-energy-retail/german-consumers-paying-record-prices-for-power-portal-idUSKCN1P9233 )
So what's really going on in Germany?
Have electricity prices gone up reaching "record highs" as the reuters article describes?
What % of Germany's consumed energey is from "renewables"?
Was Bill Mahers' statement nothing more than a sort of "flamboyant exaggeration" / "poetic license statistic" and if that were true why is Gina MCCarthy nodding ?
I don't mind being lied to, as long as I don't have a reason to doubt it!
'Green' propaganda, it's everywhere ! ::)
Some latest findings:
--- Quote from: DimitriP on September 30, 2019, 12:48:51 am ---I accedentally heard that "germany gets 100% of it's energy from renewables".
--- End quote ---
This is one of the most annoying things when people talk about percentages of renewable energy. Obviously Germany doesn't get 100% of its energy from renewables. One obvious factor is we all know they have a high percentage of gasoline and diesel powered transportation. All that people are usually talking about when they say renewable energy is renewable electrical energy, and they ignore everything else. In many countries the percentage of non-electrical energy is huge. Until people start focussing on the total energy consumption we won't get very far with understanding the true scale of the problems in moving to all renewable energy. Besides that, Germany is nowhere near achieving 100% renewably sourced electrical energy. In some areas they are actually going backwards with their carbon footprint, as they run away from nuclear power.
Its likely a researcher condensing the situation to little "bytes" that the presenter then mis-interpreted, while there is enough installed renewable generation in Germany to run 100% green:
It happens very rarely at the moment and with the import/export complexities the "green" part could have been traded to who knows where (including trading to other times when the renewables weren't generating). The person being interviewed should really have corrected that in the interview.
Especially annoying, that they could very well just not lie. They could say that 99% of mainland Norway electricity production is renewable.
It is hydro, which is "not that sexy". And you need oil to fund it.
Ah well, lets just be ignorant until we boil the oceans.
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