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Offline Calvin79Topic starter

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wind turbines and solar panels cheated company
« on: September 10, 2023, 08:55:26 pm »
Hi all,

Again, another company was cheated by an Chinese company...
Our company buy to an chinese company ( Supposedly we had buy the materias has an DIY version and with specific  powers etc. The total power of the system should be 5KW of wind turbines power (sperial type) + 2.5Kw solar power.
The material come without any sort of cables neither manuals nothing, the wind turbine has an error on the hole fixing blades which make it impossible to mount whithout damaged completly the blades and shafts...and for them it is an problem of our installation (???!!!!) ..the inverter is only of 4KW instead of at 8KW and we don't have the certificate... the mppt controller is of 1+1 KW when it should be of around 7/8Kw.. the wind turbine, according to the output cables it has is impossible to have 5KW, our thoughts is only of 1 maximum 2 Kw...and the provider doesn't give any feedbacks.. nothing... and the Chinese Commercer rules are Zero...
So.. what we can force the provider to help us,providing the correct material?
Thanks in advance

Offline Stray Electron

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Re: wind turbines and solar panels cheated company
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2023, 12:33:54 am »
   Welcome to the world of Chinese made products, where nothing is what it is claimed to be!

Offline Calvin79Topic starter

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Re: wind turbines and solar panels cheated company
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2023, 06:38:05 pm »
Dear Stray,

Thanks for your feedback.

I always knew that the Chinese companies cheated in performances.. the main problem is that this one in particular had also send the correct material and now they don't answer neither give now my main issue is how we can have support/warranty etc..

Online nctnico

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Re: wind turbines and solar panels cheated company
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2023, 09:21:03 am »
Dear Stray,

Thanks for your feedback.

I always knew that the Chinese companies cheated in performances.. the main problem is that this one in particular had also send the correct material and now they don't answer neither give now my main issue is how we can have support/warranty etc..
It would have been wise to figure that out before. Perhaps by making a small purchase and buy through a channel where you can get your money back.
There are small lies, big lies and then there is what is on the screen of your oscilloscope.

Online Marco

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Re: wind turbines and solar panels cheated company
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2023, 11:26:54 am »
Small wind turbines are always a scam :/

Dispute, chargeback, pray.

Offline mtwieg

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Re: wind turbines and solar panels cheated company
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2023, 11:36:42 am »
And let me guess, you paid up front using a wire transfer. If so, you may as well have sent the money to a Nigerian bank account.

Did your deliverables include testable/verifiable specifications, with a test plan?

Online Siwastaja

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Re: wind turbines and solar panels cheated company
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2023, 11:55:00 am »
Did your deliverables include testable/verifiable specifications, with a test plan?

Do you get "testable/verifiable specifications, with a test plan" if you buy a $100k Mercedes Benz, and because you don't, is Mercedes Benz a scam?

Come on, try to be realistic. If it doesn't work, can't be constructed, is missing parts etc., that's clear enough to file a dispute. Not having a test plan is just normal.

Online nctnico

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Re: wind turbines and solar panels cheated company
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2023, 12:05:34 pm »
You are taking the 'test plan' too literal. Read: 'installation manual' with steps to do simple diagnostics. Some simple diagnostic steps are part of every car manual.
There are small lies, big lies and then there is what is on the screen of your oscilloscope.

Offline mtwieg

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Re: wind turbines and solar panels cheated company
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2023, 02:05:31 pm »
Do you get "testable/verifiable specifications, with a test plan" if you buy a $100k Mercedes Benz, and because you don't, is Mercedes Benz a scam?

Come on, try to be realistic. If it doesn't work, can't be constructed, is missing parts etc., that's clear enough to file a dispute. Not having a test plan is just normal.

You are taking the 'test plan' too literal. Read: 'installation manual' with steps to do simple diagnostics. Some simple diagnostic steps are part of every car manual.
Cars are one example where yes, any worthwhile automaker will have a standard test/inspection plan.

This reminds me of a true story. The first car I bought (a Toyota) was used, from a wholesale dealer. Before the final sale, I asked if I could take the car to a Toyota dealership to have it inspected. They said sure, no big deal, so I did so and the dealership ran their 160-point inspection, for which I was given a report. No issues turned up and I bought the car from the wholesale dealer.

Fast forward about 6 months, and my check engine light came on. I took it to my local Toyota dealer (different from the one who did the inspection). They told me the CEL was for a leak in the fuel system, which they discovered via a simple smoke test. The rep also told me that the technician who diagnosed the issue visually confirmed pinholes in the fuel filler assembly. Estimated cost of parts and labor was around $1.5K.

It was a bit hard to believe that holes would show up within 6 months. So I contacted the Toyota dealer which had originally done the inspection and explained the situation. They told me to come down and they'd check it out. After waiting for 30 minutes the owner of the dealership brought me into the shop where they had the smoke test set up. They said smoke was leaking from the gas cap, not the fuel neck. He pulled out some steel wool, which he used to scrub off rust on the top of the fuel filler neck, put the gas cap back on, and the smoke disappeated. I thanked him, shook hands, and never had the issue again. Never went back to my local dealer.

The point I'm making is that testable specifications are your best tool for avoiding scams. I would never buy something as expensive (and dangerous) as a car, even a ten year old beater, without such an assurance.

Of course, in the case that the seller is beyond the reach of your court system, even testing and verification doesn't mean much.

Offline Calvin79Topic starter

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Re: wind turbines and solar panels cheated company
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2023, 09:46:40 pm »
As I said right on beginning, all the material come without manuals...only the material

after digging a little bit, testing a lot, we manage to put it work (one wind turbine we are still changing the blades fixing holes in the poles to align it correctly (it come with bad angles..)).

One of the problems is that all the material we have received don't have the specifications, neither the certificates/brands we had asked for...and we have conversations registries (whatsapp/wechat) where they have referred several times that they will fulfill all the specifications, and now they don't answer phones, neither WhatsApp/wechat neither alibaba chat (they block me) neither made-in-china website. We also asked the help of 3 chinese companies (which we make business several times) and they block them also...

For you to understand we had discussed with this company for more than 3 months...

But again, the Chinese laws aren't the correct ones for protecting the buyers..

Offline Jackster

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Re: wind turbines and solar panels cheated company
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2023, 12:52:01 am »
But again, the Chinese laws aren't the correct ones for protecting the buyers..

Their laws only protect themselves. There are no laws protecting foreigners and you will always be at fault from their perspective.

Dispute the order on Alibaba and provide enough evidence to show that they have not delivered what you ordered.
It can take some time, you might need to contact Alibaba help after a while to move things along.

Offline Calvin79Topic starter

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Re: wind turbines and solar panels cheated company
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2023, 05:39:50 am »
I have been discussing with alibaba for a while, but untill now... no luck.. I will continue to trying...

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