why do you want magnetizing current to be greater than reflected load current?
I don't want

. Magnetizing current is a detrimental effect for a forward converter, as it doesn't provide power to the load; instead, it increases power loss. Right?
I would like to continue discussing the topic of forward converters. Can someone please review my approach for selecting a core for the converter?
So... Input data:
Input voltage min: 10V
Out Power: 70W
Out Voltage: 54V
Maximum duty cycle(Dmax): 0.6 (I know, i's not typicaly for forward but for MAX17598 it allow)
Frequency switching: 1MHz
Calculate out current in load:Iout=Pout/Vout = 1.3A
Calculate turns ratio:n= Vout/(Vin*Dmax) = 9
Calculate secondary current:I skipped the inductor selection step, just say that ripple current are 0.33A. The secondary peak current Isec = Iout + Irip = 1.3+0.33 = 1.63A
Calculate primary current:Ipri = Isec * n
Calculate magnetization inductance:Suppose that the magnetization current should be less than 20% of the full load current. Imag = 0.2*Ipri
Then Lmag = 2uH (from V=L*di/dt)
For example choose B66285G0050X187

H = Ipri*Turns/le = 451 (for Al = 1520nH enought 1 turns in primary side) = Ipri/le = 586. Ipri iclude magnetization current.
B = H * ue * Al = 0.35; It's less then 0.4 (saturation value),and this core is suitable for this design.
Is everything correct in my reasoning or did I make a mistake somewhere?