I'm well into converting a classic air-cooled VW beetle to electric!
I've got it running on LiFePO4s (32S, 106V nominal voltage, 206Ah).
The system is 15KW @ 96V, so call it 150A peak, which it NEVER will see.
But the batteries are dipping even at just 30A draw!
The internal resistance per the battery data sheet is 0.2 MILLIohms... So that's 6.4 MILLIohms for the 32 batteries in series....
It should in theory only drop like 0.2V due to internal resistance at 30A....
When my car takes off, the battery voltage dips mightily, down to 50 to 60 V causing the controller to brown out and reset....
Do EVs typically have voltage regulators between battery and motor controller?
Do you have any ideas on how to prevent this from happening?
Thanks for your help!!
Jay Prabhakar