I'm now one step closer to going completely off grid, yesterday I planted a lemon tree.
Might be much cheaper and clean to get a lot of free energy from the sun at thermal solar than loose in conversion to battery packs like tesla wall, etc.
I invested in my a few kW CSP and I believe it will cost small percentage thatn this:
They wrote on this page:
It can also allow users to utilise their own stored power at night, rather than losing out with the current electricity rates and feed-in-tariff system.
Yep, do not loose out with the current electricity rates, but loose $es to Tesla
Anyway, I will run soon my few kW flywheel energy storage system and... it will be winner for me
I need more and more high power multi phase synchronous rectifier drivers and I will manufacture soon them - not in China ... at home in Europe
BTW: What is estimated cost of this 7kW tesla wall and how long time it can keep at least 5kW with baterries degraded in time-just to estimate ROI?