For Totem pole PFC you will need a very good software engineer, who also understands the finer detail of high power SMPS.....and can implement software control loops for the current and voltage in the PFC......and every time you want to modify your power supply in some way, you'll have to have that software engineer still available to you.
Any junior Jo could do the Synchronous alternative PFC that i suggest.
Totem pole PFC High voltage SiC FETs with low enough RdsON are available that would not be such an issue....and indeed, you are not going to have any switching loss in the 50Hz bridge sync FETs....and they are going to be generating far less common mode noise than the totem pole PFC FETs.....the front two FETs in totem pole PFC are known for very fast switching, even being GaN so they can switch real fast.
In a 3kW PFC at 90VAC input (worst case), each leg of the mains bridge is going to see for a 20mR FET thats 5.5W....easily manageable....and even more so with a couple of parallel FETs.....noting that layout and heatsinking wont be crucial for these FETs
from a noise point of view because they are essentially not switching other than at little problem with those heatsinks becoming noise radiators.
And with Totem Pole........get ready for some very challenging visits to the EMC lab, both radiated and their common mode noise problem is well noted....get some big common mode chokes on that board!
Heres a good FET for synchonising the 50Hz bridge
SIHG026N60EF-GE3$9 per 1000
or, as discussed, just use multiple cheaper fets in parallel.
Heres one at 40mR "Alternative synchronosied Boost PFC" that i suggest would turn out cheaper.
Ultimately, the Totem Pole PFC could possibly be slightly smaller, but it depends on how you manage EMC , and the need for more extensive common mode filtration will be there for the Totem Pole.
At the end of the day, most 3kW SMPS do not have to be super miniaturised even if the "alternative to totem pole PFC" did turn out slightly would be an insignificant point.
As you know, with 3kW+ SMPS, that are offline and hard switched (both "totem" and "alternative" are hard switched).....there are significant issues with noise......and as discussed, the totem is the master of being noisy......Also, they may need to be paralleled...and the "alternative" type is more amenable to paralellisation than the "totem".
Below 400W and Totem pole PFC is deffo a waste of time
Up to 1kW and you might as well not bother with totem.....ive seen 800W offline 90-264 use just diode bridge on a 60x30x2mm alu plate heatsink, and even that was way away from any fan air...and those bridges never died for >20 years.
So up to 1kW, you can, if you want, .... use an easy thing whereby you just make the bottom two diodes of the mains bridge synchronous....realistically thats all thats needed.
Above about 1.5kW and its common to parallel two stages anyway, because a single 3kW pfc is going to be as noisy as heck.
Remember that the totem pole PFC is probably the king of all the hardest of hard switchers out there.