Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's

Totem Pole PFC is over-hyped?

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--- Quote ---Had a chuckle reading this, while doing a bring up of 3.3kW TTPLPFC
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What is your experience with the TTPL PFC in terms of efficiency and mains filters?

@ Faringdon

We are still waiting for proper calculations and a real world proto type demonstrating your sync boost PFC with an active bridge. There is a real market for those if what you wrote is true.

I think you need to invest in some power electronics lab and prototyping abilities to test some stuff because it seems like a big mess of theoretical spaghetti with this. hiding behind cost frowned upon in this forum, people here seem to figure out ways to do things that are hard

but, what stands out for me in this thread, as famous last words, is "software is not a issue." Hand wave a issue because a big number popped up and then follow that up with some figuring about the competition (and assuming their sane). A level V systems engineer wrote this?

some tips:
1) buy 10
2) make the circuit board repairable, modular, thick, whatever so when 1 explodes you don't go into cad crisis mode spamming the forum about simulators because some fragile ass prototype exploded unrepairably
3) attempt common sense based trouble shooting


--- Quote ---but, what stands out for me in this thread, as famous last words, is "software is not a issue." Hand wave a issue because a big number popped up and then follow that up with some figuring about the competition (and assuming their sane). A level V systems engineer wrote this?
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What exactly are you trying to say? Micro controller driven power supplies are a reality. Check manufacturer offerings from TI, Analog devices, Infineon,...

My point is was and will always be that improving efficiency is very difficult and every method has it's own set of problems, shortcomings and limitations. The statement made by the OP doesn't stand without a real working proto type.

--- Quote ---3) attempt common sense based trouble shooting
--- End quote ---

Thanks for the excellent advice. I usually replace random stuff until things work.

and its not a problem for them because you managed all three companies and saw software implementation for a hardware power systems control go down smoothly?

its a crux if there ever was one. Treez is wanting to bleed less money. I can understand that, actually, and it makes sense that removing a software requirement would make things go smooth.


--- Quote ---and its not a problem for them because you managed all three companies and saw software implementation for a hardware power systems control go down smoothly?
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No I haven't and I certainly not stated it would be an easy task. On board chargers, server power supplies, gigantic LED walls with multi kW power supplies running parallel, 5...20 kW audio amplifiers for prof. use,... are the places where totem pole PFC's are employed. They all require a lot more functionality for which a micro controller is best placed. The shift to drive the complete power supply from a micro controller is nothing strange. TI has plug and play software available for a totem pole PFC which includes tools to perform a frequency response analysis without having to revert to soldering iron. I haven't used the TI tools but do have an infineon XMC dev kit to investigate those matters if time permits.

Here is what Faringdon stated:

--- Quote ---For Totem pole PFC you will need a very good software engineer, who also understands the finer detail of  high power SMPS.....and can implement software control loops for the current and voltage in the PFC......and every time you want to modify your power supply in some way, you'll have to have that software engineer still available to you.
--- End quote ---

See above and:

--- Quote ---its a crux if there ever was one. Treez is wanting to bleed less money. I can understand that, actually, and it makes sense that removing a software requirement would make things go smooth.
--- End quote ---
He doesn't need to invest in software and build a totem pole PFC. Dev boards for totem pole PFC's with efficiency plots can be found from TI, ST, Infineon,... He must build his proposed PFC and prove everyone wrong.

Meanwhile totem pole PFC controllers which don't require software became available.


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