Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's

Update on the upgrading solar system.

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Do you ever hate agreeing with your sensible self?

Those two panels sitting in the garden.  The garage roof is only about 7ft to the gutter.  I can easily unbolt the "loft ladder" and use it.  Maybe with a bit of careful thought and planning I could get those two solar panels on the garage roof myself.

My inner self said, "No."

Why?  It's a stupid idea that may result in broken solar panels or broken arms, legs, skull!

Unfortunately he is right.  It would be a stupid idea.  Guess I have to phone for help and wait on someone else now :)


--- Quote from: paulca on May 31, 2023, 10:41:11 am ---Do you ever hate agreeing with your sensible self?

Those two panels sitting in the garden.  The garage roof is only about 7ft to the gutter.  I can easily unbolt the "loft ladder" and use it.  Maybe with a bit of careful thought and planning I could get those two solar panels on the garage roof myself.

My inner self said, "No."

Why?  It's a stupid idea that may result in broken solar panels or broken arms, legs, skull!

--- End quote ---
The biggest problem I see is lack of the right gear. A loft ladder should stay where it is. Use a portable ladder intended to climb up high. Furthermore you'd need a safety harness and lines to secure you to the roof. Alternatively rent some scaffolding and put it up under the area of the roof you want to work. It is not super expensive and pretty safe to handle solar panels and so on.

I phoned the spark.  He'll drop by and help.  I'll pay him for an hour.


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