Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's

Vertical BiFacial Solar Panel Test Results

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Test results vs standard panels, no major surprises.

It really needs the full annual collection to show the benefits:
Some (cold region) users have more energy demand in winter and can bias their system toward that.

The daily production increases on the shoulders is also of benefit to people who will self consume that, and coinciding with peak pricing. Even vertical with the panels on a fixed north south alignment wouldn't be insane for people who can match their load to that.


--- Quote from: Someone on February 25, 2024, 10:25:52 pm ---It really needs the full annual collection to show the benefits
--- End quote ---

Basically, it'll have benefits for some people in some circumstances, and only downside for others in other circumstances.
The results are basically what you'd predict with a dual sided solar panel, nothing magical is happening.


--- Quote from: EEVblog on February 25, 2024, 11:07:15 pm ---
--- Quote from: Someone on February 25, 2024, 10:25:52 pm ---It really needs the full annual collection to show the benefits
--- End quote ---
Basically, it'll have benefits for some people in some circumstances, and only downside for others in other circumstances.
The results are basically what you'd predict with a dual sided solar panel, nothing magical is happening.
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But you can say exactly the same thing as the rule of thumb: point north with a 30 something degree elevation. Works for some circumstances and has downsides in others. It all comes down to the specific energy demands of the user and their relative tariffs.


--- Quote from: Someone on February 26, 2024, 03:27:12 am ---But you can say exactly the same thing as the rule of thumb: point north with a 30 something degree elevation. Works for some circumstances and has downsides in others. It all comes down to the specific energy demands of the user and their relative tariffs.
--- End quote ---

Sure, but in the majority of cases you don't have a choice, you just whack solar panels on your existing roof and "you get what you get, and you don't get upset".


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