Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's
Voltage regulator for solar panel
I'm rebuilding a regulator board for a solar panel array and unable to identify a regulator chip by the markings. The device is 8-pin surface mount with the markings SAQ 7BK A9S4. So far I've tried every combination and nothing. Any idea what this is?
If you post a few pictures that will be very helpful for us. Is replacing the regulator circuit an option? its most likely a voltage and current regulator
What is the size (power / voltage / current) rating of your solar panel?
MPPT charge controllers start from < EUR 10 from Ali / Ebay / China.
For devices like that it is hardly worth rebuilding.
I would recommend this one in particular:
Its with high quality.
Be careful, many solar charge controllers labeled "MPPT" are actually PWM. A 20A, 24V DC-DC converter involves a certain amount of cost and heat (ie, heat sinks).
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