Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's

Wallaby Rechargeables


Hi, has anyone done a test on these new Wallaby branded rechargeable AA and AAA cells which are about $2 each off ebay?
I just received a pack of 4 AA cells and they feel pretty solid.  Rated 2000mAh.

The photo does not say the chemistry of the batteries. I assume they are older Ni-MH but they might be antique Ni-CADs.
New local manufaturers make Ni-MH batteries (for the last 5 years) that use the Sanyo/Panasonic Eneloop chemistry that holds a charge for one year and they are sold pre-charged.

Indeed, Ni-MH and they are pre-charged with the claim that they retain 80% charge after 12 months.


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