Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's

Wanting a home solar system in Yorkshire, UK

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--- Quote from: Someone on April 19, 2017, 12:16:54 am ---
--- Quote from: tggzzz on April 18, 2017, 02:48:13 pm ---
--- Quote from: Simon on April 18, 2017, 01:09:48 pm ---
--- Quote from: tggzzz on April 18, 2017, 01:04:04 pm ---So, if an electrician/handyman needs to work on, say, a socket, they will disconnect the mains supply by the switches in the fusebox. They will assume the circuits are dead.

At that point, is the electricity disconnected, or are the circuits still live with potentially lethal voltages/currents?

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The inverter is simply plugged into the wall but as far as i know a proper grid tie inverter that this is has to go dead if no "line" voltage is detected. A full blown installation may have it permanently wired in with a double pole isolator, either way an electrician still needs to be aware of the existence of a solar system.

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If I understand you, it sounds like you are "driving a mains plug in reverse".
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That and the grids are getting much better at providing diagnostics (automatically and without humans) so if you keep dumping power into the mains the grid operator will notice sooner or later, much sooner if you have a smart meter lol. Not worth the risk when you see the fines possible.

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When i asked they said if the unit is CE marked they don't have a problem. I asked my current provider about feed in tariff and they don't seem bothered.

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--- Quote from: Simon on April 18, 2017, 02:50:56 pm ---
--- Quote from: tggzzz on April 18, 2017, 02:48:13 pm ---If I understand you, it sounds like you are "driving a mains plug in reverse".

It should be easy for you to test your presumption about the inverters going dead; if true that removes some forms of risk. Maybe unplug the inverter from the mains and lick the inverter's output during the day :) [No, for other readers benefit, please don't do that!]

If not, why would an electrician look anywhere other than the fusebox to isolate the mains? Remember, you've had a heart attack or been knocked down by the Clapham omnibus.

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A grid tie inverter is tied to the grid so that it can track it's voltage, no grid voltage  = no output as there is no line voltage to track, even your £50 crap from china does that as it's fundamental principle of operation of a grid tie inverter.

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A good motto, which has literally saved my life on more than one occasion, is "Trust, but verify". One of those occasions was with a domestic electricity installation.

(The only other mottoes that are worth a damn are "Think" and "Be prepared".)

Of course.

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