Thanks, ive certainly worked on 3000A power supplies. Repairing them.
It was usually the input caps that had gone, and took the igbts with them.
We werent supposed to rev eng them, but i did so that i could fix them quicker.
It was a half bridge...3 phase 6 diode input....600v input.
Its going back some time, but i think i remember it was 20kHz.
The 3000A was only available if the cust set a low enough voltage, so for 3000A it was something like 7V or so max.
Most custs didnt set up for the full 3000A.
They were 6-in-parallel for 3000A. (250A each).
No transistors switched the high current in the sec side. Even the diodes in the sec side were soft switched at turn on and turn off. The topology was half bridge with big leakage inductance.
However, i am really seeking examples where the transistors switch the high current, so my example is a poor one to my own dreaded question.
IGBTs hard switching high currents, and even at 100's of volts would be interesting to hear of.
No worries about EMC...just , how workable is it? No doubt a myriad of noise abatement measures will be taken.