Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's

Where to buy quality PV panels in the US?

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In one the posts I made about PV solar someone posted a link of where to buy good quality solar panels at very affordable prices in the US?  Can'f find the link, anyone have any recommendations?


Is this it:



--- Quote from: ez24 on April 26, 2018, 06:40:47 pm ---Is this it:


--- End quote ---

Thanks but no.  And it's not Wholesale Solar either.  The web site say the company is located in Florida and they offer panels by the container, pallet or panel.  The panels are located in Florida and California.

That was before trump tariff.  Ever since he mentioned tariffs the prices have been rising.

Someone posted a link a couple of weeks ago to one of the other messages posted in this forum.  Stupid me, I didn’t flag it or comply the link.  I’ve now spent a couple of hours trying to find it without success.

I’m wondering if it might have been removed? 

I hope the person who posted will re-post a link.


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