Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's
ZVS Mazzilli Driver rectified
I'm considering ZVS driver but i need pulsed DC output, so, will ZVS Mazzilli Driver still oscillate if load inductor is connected through FWBR?
If anyone has ZVS and is willing to try this simple test, would be much grateful.
ZVS (zero voltage switching)
FWBR??? What is that.
There are many circuits that can do ZVS. Not enough information.
--- Quote from: ahbushnell on June 15, 2019, 10:53:27 pm ---ZVS (zero voltage switching)
FWBR??? What is that.
There are many circuits that can do ZVS. Not enough information.
--- End quote ---
FWBR - Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier, what else.
I made clear i am talking about Mazzilli ZVS.
All needed information is given and question
is clear.
Studying the circle it appears it should oscillate, looks like there is absolutelly no difference in comparison to ordinary LC, but i'd like your opinions.
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