sorry I have to revive this old thread. One of my two 34461A which has not been used for about 4 or 5 month is not booting up anymore. The Keysight logo screen appears and then stays. Here is the boot log:
U-Boot 2010.03 (Dec 04 2017 - 01:41:53)Agilent P510
DRAM: 128 MiB
Unknown id: 0xffffff. Using ST_M23P40
Flash: 64 KiB
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Chip: AA Board Rev: 4
init RTC: 2023-07-28 15:47:59.57
Net: No ethernet found.
splash RTC: 2023-07-28 15:48:00.60
Press space to stop autoboot: 0
NAND read: device 0 offset 0x320000, size 0x10000
65536 bytes read: OK
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 00600000 ...
Image Name: PBOOT
Created: 2012-05-22 16:06:43 UTC
Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed)
Data Size: 38780 Bytes = 37.9 KiB
Load Address: 00000000
Entry Point: 00000000
Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK
Starting kernel ...
Debug serial initialized ........OK
No RTC on 320
Microsoft Windows CE Bootloader Common Library Version 1.4 Built May 22 2012 09:09:57
Microsoft Windows CE 6.0 Ethernet Bootloader for the Agilent P500 board
Adaptation performed by Agilent Technologies (c) 2008
Reading NAND configuration
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x180 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x1c0 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x200 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x240 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x280 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x2c0 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x300 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x340 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x380 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x3c0 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x400 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x440 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x480 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x4c0 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x500 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x540 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x580 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x5c0 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x600 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x640 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x680 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x6c0 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x700 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0x740 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xfc80 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xfcc0 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xfd00 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xfd40 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xfd80 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xfdc0 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xfe00 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xfe40 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xfe80 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xfec0 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xff00 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xff40 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xff80 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xffc0 bumping by 0x40 sectors
CRC does not match for NAND AFFF475B F381A23
ERROR : Bootloader setting load failed
INFO : Loading default bootloader settings
Press [ENTER] to launch image stored in flash or [SPACE] to cancel.
Initiating image launch in 3 seconds
P500 Boot Loader Configuration :
Mac address .......... (04:02:02:20:02:02)
Ip address ........... (
Subnet Mask address .. (
DHCP ................. (Enabled)
Boot delay (seconds).. (5)
Load image 3 at startup
Image addresses. (0xdxxxxxxx for NAND, 0x8xxxxxxx for RAM)
1 (0xd0400000)
2 (0xd1700000)
3 (0x84000000)
l) Load memory resident image Load image 3 now
1) Load memory resident image 1 now
2) Load memory resident image 2 now
3) Load memory resident image 3 now
d) Download from platform builder now
u) Start u-boot by resetting
v) Verify Images
[color=red](I press 1 here but it is the same with other choices. "v" just does not do anything and hangs)
[/color]>System ready!
Preparing for download...
No RTC on 320
Loading image 1 from memory at 0xD0400000
[color=red](hangs here)[/color]
here are "printenv" and "imls" outputs:
p510> imls
********************* NOR Flash Images *********************
********************* NAND Flash Images *********************
Image at offset 00000000:
Image Name: XLOADER
Created: 2012-05-16 23:33:58 UTC
Image Type: ARM Linux Firmware (uncompressed)
Data Size: 5370 Bytes = 5.2 KiB
Load Address: d2800b00
Entry Point: d2800b00
Verifying Checksum ... OK
Image at offset 00020000:
Image Name: XLOADER
Created: 2012-05-16 23:33:58 UTC
Image Type: ARM Linux Firmware (uncompressed)
Data Size: 5370 Bytes = 5.2 KiB
Load Address: d2800b00
Entry Point: d2800b00
Verifying Checksum ... OK
Image at offset 00040000:
Image Name: XLOADER
Created: 2012-05-16 23:33:58 UTC
Image Type: ARM Linux Firmware (uncompressed)
Data Size: 5370 Bytes = 5.2 KiB
Load Address: d2800b00
Entry Point: d2800b00
Verifying Checksum ... OK
Image at offset 00060000:
Image Name: XLOADER
Created: 2012-05-16 23:33:58 UTC
Image Type: ARM Linux Firmware (uncompressed)
Data Size: 5370 Bytes = 5.2 KiB
Load Address: d2800b00
Entry Point: d2800b00
Verifying Checksum ... OK
Image at offset 00100000:
Image Name: UBOOT
Created: 2017-12-04 8:50:24 UTC
Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
Data Size: 237800 Bytes = 232.2 KiB
Load Address: 03f00000
Entry Point: 03f00000
Verifying Checksum ... OK
Image at offset 00320000:
Image Name: PBOOT
Created: 2012-05-22 16:06:43 UTC
Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed)
Data Size: 38780 Bytes = 37.9 KiB
Load Address: 00000000
Entry Point: 00000000
Verifying Checksum ... OK
p510> printenv
ramboot=dhcp 0x4000000 nk.bin;run bootcmd
cnfg_vmc_input_pin=mw 0xb3000028 0x00040300 1;mw 0xb3000048 0xfffbffff 1
cnfg_lan_input_pin=mw 0xb3000030 0x00000008 1;mw 0xb3000050 0xFFFFFFFF 1;mw 0xb3000018 0x00000101
preboot=mw.l 0xb300000c 0xffffacf4; run cnfg_lan_input_pin; run cnfg_vmc_input_pin; splash load
dispParm1=110 1e0 989680 0 28
dispParm2=1 1 1 1 3
bootcmd=nand read 0x600000 0x320000 0x10000;bootm 0x600000
erase_env=nand erase 0xC0000 0x40000
store_xloader=xload 0x800000
get_xload_eth=dhcp 0x800000 xloader-p510.bin; run store_xloader
store_uboot=nand erase 0x100000 ${blocksize}; nand write 0x800000 0x100000 ${blocksize}
get_uboot_eth=dhcp 0x800000 u-boot-p510.bin;run store_uboot
store_pboot=nand erase 0x320000 ${blocksize}; nand write 0x800000 0x320000 ${blocksize}
get_pboot_eth=dhcp 0x800000 pboot.bin;run store_pboot
flash_nkbin=dhcp 0x4000000 nk.bin;nand erase 0x00620000 ${blocksize};nand write 0x4000000 0x00620000 ${blocksize}
Environment size: 1482/16380 bytes
I downloaded the P-Boot from NAND and compared to one I downloaded from my good meter and also the ones posted here in this thread by TheSteve and Dr.Frank and they are all exactly identical.
I extracted "nk.nb0" from the firmware Nk.bin file (using bincompress and then cvrtbin tools that I had used when I was recovering my DSOX3034A from nand corruption) and then I used YMODEM to upload the nk.nb0 into memory and boot it from 0x362000 .
The meter boots normally and everything is hunky dory. S/N and FW revision all fine, the meter works great and passes selftests etc...
So I upgraded (I should say re flashed) same FW 3.03 into the unit using the Keysight FW update Utility (LAN connection) and you can see in the attached photo
all goes well and when the unit is rebooted I am back exactly at where I was in the beginning

Everytime it take 40 minutes to upload the nk.nb0 back into the unit using YMODEM to boot it and after FW update (also did using USB stick) it reboots to the same original state.
I am totally at loss seems the flash is bad but rewriting the FW should have fixed it...I noticed that the image addresses in u-boot (see the last lines of the boot log) are d0400000 and d1700000 but in the printenv you can see the images must be at d0620000 and d2120000.
I downloaded few kilobytes of the NAND at d0620000 and it contains EXACTLY the Nk.bin file in the firmware (compressed). Also at d2120000 there is compressed Nk.bin file but I think it must be an earlier version
However at d0400000 there is absolutely nothing in NAND (FFFFFF for a while) and at d1700000 I can see it is the last mega byte of the Nk.bin file which started at d0620000.
So if the unit actually tries to read image from d0400000 or d1700000 then obviously it must fail.
I dont know how to check these addresses on my good meter.
I am at total loss here's been 3 days of trying YMODEM 40 minutes each time and then no joy....
any help is highly appreciated