FWIW when I get the pboot prompt to choose how to boot and I choose option "d" (download from platform builder) here is the boot log until the unit is fully booted and the meter works perfectly after that for hours until I turn it off
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xffc0 bumping by 0x40 sectors
CRC does not match for NAND AF7F475B 3665EF2
ERROR : Bootloader setting load failed
INFO : Loading default bootloader settings
Press [ENTER] to launch image stored in flash or [SPACE] to cancel.
Initiating image launch in 5 seconds
P500 Boot Loader Configuration :
Mac address .......... (04:02:02:20:02:02)
Ip address ........... (
Subnet Mask address .. (
DHCP ................. (Enabled)
Boot delay (seconds).. (5)
Load image 3 at startup
Image addresses. (0xdxxxxxxx for NAND, 0x8xxxxxxx for RAM)
1 (0xd0400000)
2 (0xd1700000)
3 (0x84000000)
l) Load memory resident image Load image 3 now
1) Load memory resident image 1 now
2) Load memory resident image 2 now
3) Load memory resident image 3 now
d) Download from platform builder now
u) Start u-boot by resetting
v) Verify Images
>System ready!
Preparing for download...
No RTC on 320
Downloading image from platform builder
Setting MAC address GMAC_MAC_ADDR_HI_LO[0] = 0x80000202, GMAC_MAC_ADDR_HI_LO[1] = 0x20020204
Auto Negotiation complete in 120192 iterations
Link up
AutoNegotiate Full Duplex
AutoNegotiate 100 Base T
Reading MAC address 0x402 0x220 0x202
Setting MAC address GMAC_MAC_ADDR_HI_LO[0] = 0x80000202, GMAC_MAC_ADDR_HI_LO[1] = 0x20020204
INFO: GMAC Ethernet controller initialized.
InitDHCP():: Calling ProcessDHCP()
Got Response from DHCP server, IP address:
ProcessDHCP()::DHCP IP Address Resolved as, netmask:
Lease time: 172800 seconds
Got Response from DHCP server, IP address:
No ARP response in 2 seconds, assuming ownership of
Sent BOOTME to
Packet has the following data:
TFTP packet could have 1 name/value pairs
Locked Down Link 1
Src IP Port 03D4 Dest IP Port 0499
Default TFTP block size set to: 512 bytes
There were no options detected in the TFTP
XXImageStart = 0x80361000, ImageLength = 0x185E320, LaunchAddr = 0x80362000
Completed file(s):
[0]: Address=0x80361000 Length=0x185E320 Name="" Target=RAM
Loading image 3 succeeded.
ROMHDR at Address 80361044h
Preparing launch...
No RTC on 320
Got EDBG_CMD_CONFIG, flags:0x00000000
Launching windows CE image by jumping at address 0x 362000
Windows CE Kernel for ARM (Thumb Enabled) Built on Mar 8 2013 at 17:05:33
Setting up for a Cold Reboot
Done Setting up for a Cold Reboot
Windows CE Firmware Init
BSP 1.0.0 for the SPEARHEAD600AB board (built Jul 2 2021)
Adaptation performed by ADENEO (c) 2005
-OALIntrInit(rc = 1)
Initialize driver globals Zeros area...
pDrvGlobalArea 0xa0060000 size 0x800 (0xa0060800 -0xa0060000)
Initialize driver globals Zeros area...done
Firmware Init Done.
OALIoctlHalEnterI2cCriticalSection init i2c cs
ERROR: C:\WINCE600\PLATFORM\COMMON\SRC\SOC\STM\SPEARHEAD600\DRIVERS\NandFlash\.\sh600_NandFlash.c line 57: ConfigTimming - Unable to opey
ERROR: C:\WINCE600\PLATFORM\COMMON\SRC\SOC\STM\COMMON\DRIVERS\NandFlash\.\stm_NandFlash.c line 1043: LLD_GetInfo - Unable to open devicey
++SER_Init: context Drivers\Active\10
SER_Init, dwIndex:2
GPIO_Select0 Register 0xB300_0024: 0x80000000
Control Register 0xB300_0010 : 0x00000040
RAS Select Register 0xB300_000C: 0xffffacf4
CORE_CLK_CFG 0xB300_0024: 0x80000000
SER2 got sysintr:0x00000013
SER2 Serial Port, new baud rate:0x1c200 (UARTCLK:83250000 IBRD:0x2d FBRD:0xa)
++SER_Init: context Drivers\Active\11
SER_Init, dwIndex:3
GPIO_Select0 Register 0xB300_0024: 0x80000000
Control Register 0xB300_0010 : 0x00000040
RAS Select Register 0xB300_000C: 0xffffacf4
CORE_CLK_CFG 0xB300_0024: 0x80000000
+OALIntrRequestSysIntr IRQ (1) already used by SYSINTR (19)
SER3 got sysintr:0x00000014
SER3 Serial Port, new baud rate:0x1c200 (UARTCLK:83250000 IBRD:0x2d FBRD:0xa)
-EDeviceLoadEeprom 80:09:02:0E:7A:4F
Phy found addr 7 (ticks=5100)
WaitForLink Start (ticks=5101)
Link Detected (ticks=5104)
GMAC Init : 100 Mbit/s FULL DUPLEX (MII)
Flushed Transmit Buffer
phyCfg->dwSpeed 0x64
GMAC DMA status register = 0x600004
GMAC Device enable interrupt
GMAC Device enable interrupt
LIN: Data Valid
Resetting the USB-device silicon
ERROR: C:\WINCE600\3RDPARTY\Agilent\HPP\Common\Drivers\stm320_UsbFnBusDriver\.\ufnbus.cpp line 1137: failed opening \Agilent Flash\SPD\ue
Autonegociation Start (ticks=7141)
+StartAutoNegotiation: pDeviceContext 0xd0506be0
Autonegociation End (ticks=9651)
WaitForLink Start (ticks=9652)
Link Detected (ticks=9655)
GMAC Init : 100 Mbit/s FULL DUPLEX (MII)
cable attached
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalSysManagement.dll] for [AgilentPalSysManagement.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalSysManagement.dll] Get Process Addresses
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalIO.dll] for [AgilentPalIO.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalIO.dll] Get Process Addresses
#################### dllEntry ###########################
FP:Platform identified as MSP430-type based on 1182 mV
FP:IdEprom File [\Windows\AgtFrontPanelIdEpromData.34460-66502.xml] does not exist
FP:Platform identified as MSP430-type based on 1184 mV
FP:IdEprom File [\Windows\AgtFrontPanelIdEpromData.34460-66502.xml] does not exist
SER3 Serial Port, new baud rate:0x2faf08 (UARTCLK:83250000 IBRD:0x1 FBRD:0x2a)
Inguard Bootup Complete -- OK
InguardBootup Buffered Test Signal detected
FP:INVALID CID read, 0x01
FP:INVALID CID read, 0xff
FP:INVALID CID read, 0xff
FP:INVALID CID read, 0x33
FP:INVALID CID read, 0x16
FP:INVALID CID read, 0x88
FP:INVALID CID read, 0x6b
FP:INVALID CID read, 0x40
FP:DoCommand [2] FAILED 0x[80040302]
FP:DoCommand [2] Retry [1] Error was 0x[80040302]
FP:DoCommand [2] Final call Error 0x[0]
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalCaps.dll] for [AgilentPalCaps.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalCaps.dll] Get Process Addresses
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalSStorage.dll] for [AgilentPalSStorage.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalSStorage.dll] Get Process Addresses
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalWin32.dll] for [AgilentPalWin32.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalWin32.dll] Get Process Addresses
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalWin32.dll] for [AgilentPalWin32.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalWin32.dll] Get Process Addresses
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalSStorage.dll] for [AgilentPalSStorage.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalSStorage.dll] Get Process Addresses
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalSysManagement.dll] for [AgilentPalSysManagement.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalSysManagement.dll] Get Process Addresses
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalCaps.dll] for [AgilentPalCaps.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalCaps.dll] Get Process Addresses
AgilentLxiWebStartUp successfully started LXI web service.]FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xfec0 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xff00 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xff40 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xff80 bumping by 0x40 sectors
FMD_DirectRead: Invalid block at sector 0xffc0 bumping by 0x40 sectors
CRC does not match for NAND AF7F475B 3665EF2
ERROR : Bootloader setting load failed
INFO : Loading default bootloader settings
Press [ENTER] to launch image stored in flash or [SPACE] to cancel.
Initiating image launch in 5 seconds
P500 Boot Loader Configuration :
Mac address .......... (04:02:02:20:02:02)
Ip address ........... (
Subnet Mask address .. (
DHCP ................. (Enabled)
Boot delay (seconds).. (5)
Load image 3 at startup
Image addresses. (0xdxxxxxxx for NAND, 0x8xxxxxxx for RAM)
1 (0xd0400000)
2 (0xd1700000)
3 (0x84000000)
l) Load memory resident image Load image 3 now
1) Load memory resident image 1 now
2) Load memory resident image 2 now
3) Load memory resident image 3 now
d) Download from platform builder now
u) Start u-boot by resetting
v) Verify Images
>System ready!
Preparing for download...
No RTC on 320
Downloading image from platform builder
Setting MAC address GMAC_MAC_ADDR_HI_LO[0] = 0x80000202, GMAC_MAC_ADDR_HI_LO[1] = 0x20020204
Auto Negotiation complete in 120192 iterations
Link up
AutoNegotiate Full Duplex
AutoNegotiate 100 Base T
Reading MAC address 0x402 0x220 0x202
Setting MAC address GMAC_MAC_ADDR_HI_LO[0] = 0x80000202, GMAC_MAC_ADDR_HI_LO[1] = 0x20020204
INFO: GMAC Ethernet controller initialized.
InitDHCP():: Calling ProcessDHCP()
Got Response from DHCP server, IP address:
ProcessDHCP()::DHCP IP Address Resolved as, netmask:
Lease time: 172800 seconds
Got Response from DHCP server, IP address:
No ARP response in 2 seconds, assuming ownership of
Sent BOOTME to
Packet has the following data:
TFTP packet could have 1 name/value pairs
Locked Down Link 1
Src IP Port 03D4 Dest IP Port 0499
Default TFTP block size set to: 512 bytes
There were no options detected in the TFTP
XXImageStart = 0x80361000, ImageLength = 0x185E320, LaunchAddr = 0x80362000
Completed file(s):
[0]: Address=0x80361000 Length=0x185E320 Name="" Target=RAM
Loading image 3 succeeded.
ROMHDR at Address 80361044h
Preparing launch...
No RTC on 320
Got EDBG_CMD_CONFIG, flags:0x00000000
Launching windows CE image by jumping at address 0x 362000
Windows CE Kernel for ARM (Thumb Enabled) Built on Mar 8 2013 at 17:05:33
Setting up for a Cold Reboot
Done Setting up for a Cold Reboot
Windows CE Firmware Init
BSP 1.0.0 for the SPEARHEAD600AB board (built Jul 2 2021)
Adaptation performed by ADENEO (c) 2005
-OALIntrInit(rc = 1)
Initialize driver globals Zeros area...
pDrvGlobalArea 0xa0060000 size 0x800 (0xa0060800 -0xa0060000)
Initialize driver globals Zeros area...done
Firmware Init Done.
OALIoctlHalEnterI2cCriticalSection init i2c cs
ERROR: C:\WINCE600\PLATFORM\COMMON\SRC\SOC\STM\SPEARHEAD600\DRIVERS\NandFlash\.\sh600_NandFlash.c line 57: ConfigTimming - Unable to opey
ERROR: C:\WINCE600\PLATFORM\COMMON\SRC\SOC\STM\COMMON\DRIVERS\NandFlash\.\stm_NandFlash.c line 1043: LLD_GetInfo - Unable to open devicey
++SER_Init: context Drivers\Active\10
SER_Init, dwIndex:2
GPIO_Select0 Register 0xB300_0024: 0x80000000
Control Register 0xB300_0010 : 0x00000040
RAS Select Register 0xB300_000C: 0xffffacf4
CORE_CLK_CFG 0xB300_0024: 0x80000000
SER2 got sysintr:0x00000013
SER2 Serial Port, new baud rate:0x1c200 (UARTCLK:83250000 IBRD:0x2d FBRD:0xa)
++SER_Init: context Drivers\Active\11
SER_Init, dwIndex:3
GPIO_Select0 Register 0xB300_0024: 0x80000000
Control Register 0xB300_0010 : 0x00000040
RAS Select Register 0xB300_000C: 0xffffacf4
CORE_CLK_CFG 0xB300_0024: 0x80000000
+OALIntrRequestSysIntr IRQ (1) already used by SYSINTR (19)
SER3 got sysintr:0x00000014
SER3 Serial Port, new baud rate:0x1c200 (UARTCLK:83250000 IBRD:0x2d FBRD:0xa)
-EDeviceLoadEeprom 80:09:02:0E:7A:4F
Phy found addr 7 (ticks=5100)
WaitForLink Start (ticks=5101)
Link Detected (ticks=5104)
GMAC Init : 100 Mbit/s FULL DUPLEX (MII)
Flushed Transmit Buffer
phyCfg->dwSpeed 0x64
GMAC DMA status register = 0x600004
GMAC Device enable interrupt
GMAC Device enable interrupt
LIN: Data Valid
Resetting the USB-device silicon
ERROR: C:\WINCE600\3RDPARTY\Agilent\HPP\Common\Drivers\stm320_UsbFnBusDriver\.\ufnbus.cpp line 1137: failed opening \Agilent Flash\SPD\ue
Autonegociation Start (ticks=7141)
+StartAutoNegotiation: pDeviceContext 0xd0506be0
Autonegociation End (ticks=9651)
WaitForLink Start (ticks=9652)
Link Detected (ticks=9655)
GMAC Init : 100 Mbit/s FULL DUPLEX (MII)
cable attached
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalSysManagement.dll] for [AgilentPalSysManagement.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalSysManagement.dll] Get Process Addresses
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalIO.dll] for [AgilentPalIO.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalIO.dll] Get Process Addresses
#################### dllEntry ###########################
FP:Platform identified as MSP430-type based on 1182 mV
FP:IdEprom File [\Windows\AgtFrontPanelIdEpromData.34460-66502.xml] does not exist
FP:Platform identified as MSP430-type based on 1184 mV
FP:IdEprom File [\Windows\AgtFrontPanelIdEpromData.34460-66502.xml] does not exist
SER3 Serial Port, new baud rate:0x2faf08 (UARTCLK:83250000 IBRD:0x1 FBRD:0x2a)
Inguard Bootup Complete -- OK
InguardBootup Buffered Test Signal detected
FP:INVALID CID read, 0x01
FP:INVALID CID read, 0xff
FP:INVALID CID read, 0xff
FP:INVALID CID read, 0x33
FP:INVALID CID read, 0x16
FP:INVALID CID read, 0x88
FP:INVALID CID read, 0x6b
FP:INVALID CID read, 0x40
FP:DoCommand [2] FAILED 0x[80040302]
FP:DoCommand [2] Retry [1] Error was 0x[80040302]
FP:DoCommand [2] Final call Error 0x[0]
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalCaps.dll] for [AgilentPalCaps.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalCaps.dll] Get Process Addresses
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalSStorage.dll] for [AgilentPalSStorage.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalSStorage.dll] Get Process Addresses
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalWin32.dll] for [AgilentPalWin32.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalWin32.dll] Get Process Addresses
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalWin32.dll] for [AgilentPalWin32.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalWin32.dll] Get Process Addresses
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalSStorage.dll] for [AgilentPalSStorage.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalSStorage.dll] Get Process Addresses
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalSysManagement.dll] for [AgilentPalSysManagement.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalSysManagement.dll] Get Process Addresses
SHIM DLL, LoadRealDll [PalCaps.dll] for [AgilentPalCaps.dll]
SHIM [AgilentPalCaps.dll] Get Process Addresses
AgilentLxiWebStartUp successfully started LXI web service.
the MAC address is wrong at this point but when the meter boots it has the correct MAC address and its IP becomes
instead of