Electronics > Repair

Any unknown HP 8640B service manuals?

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Hey all,
I am in the process of repairing my HP 8640B and I seem to have a serial number that is right in between all the service manuals I find. I have a 2404a prefix. I have been able to do most of the work on it with the manuals I have found, but I am currently having trouble diagnosing the counter/lock section of the instrument. I have found the 1991 manual listed on the keysight webpage, but it only shows the service part, not any of the adjustments (and it wants an adjustment before any troubleshooting begins if the "pre-troubleshooting check" fails, which is my case). I have checked all of the keysight page as well as KO4BB. Does anyone know of some manuals I might be missing? Or perhaps a complete 1991 issue of the manual with all backdating included?


Artek has one (08640-90197) that includes the change sheets that cover that SN.

There are some change sheets on the web somewhere dated 16th Feb 1984, they cover prefix 2408A, can't remember where I found the pdf, but it's far too big to attach here.

Edit: It's the 59MB file labelled "HP 8640B Signal Generator Service Manual-8640B sup 1" on KO4BB, first page showing the prefix list is attached below.


Stray Electron:
  FYI before you tear into that 8640 go online and read about some of the experiences others have had trying to repair those. For one thing they are very prone to ejecting the tiny gold springs that are used in the attenuater switches, never to be seen again.

You'll very likely find the plastic gears are cracked and useless. There's lots on the web about dealing with this, and there are brass gears available, but it's all more to do, and more expense.


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