Alright, so I have an old C64 I got from my school after we found it in an old store room, at the moment it doesn't really wish to work, it produces a pattern similar to this: just simply a black screen, depending on how it feels when I start it up. Now I've read around about this, and someone said it's because the caps are old, and there's too much ripple which messes up the logic circuitry.
Well, just for the heck of it, I added some caps for the filters, but still the same. Then after some more reading, I found that the VIC or memory can be faulty, or the PLA as well, or maybe the kernal rom.
The key word here is -maybe-, I don't really want to replace every single chip on the board, so I decided I'd check if the solder joints have gotten loose, I resoldered the aforementioned IC pins, and resocketed every chip that had a socket, but to no avail. Still the same screen.
Then I thought, hell I have a scope! Let's do some probing! Well I found something weird on the clock signals, shown on the pictures. One of them shows the clock signal on pin 1 of the MPU relative to GND (the shielding): second picture shows both clocks, on pin 1 and on pin 39 of the MPU: I don't have much knowledge of how these old 8-bit multi-phase MPU's work, but I don't think that the clock on pin 39 (it's Phase 0 on the schematics) is healthy. Anyone have some knowledge about this, or perhaps could tell me what -should- be the signal there by taking out a working C64 and doing a probing on that pin, so I could check what's the issue?
Also according to the schematics, Phase 0 is generated by the VIC chip, so if that clock's the culprit, I'll know it's because of the VIC.
Ignore the DC offset, it's because I forgot to turn the scope to DC coupling.