Electronics > Repair
CRT Video to Digital monitor compatability issue
I have a Video output from a PCB with no capability for adjusting it's Vertical signal. I tried several digital displays but all have the top and bottom line of data not displaying. I tried selecting all aspect ratios with no success. Horizontal is perfect.
Is there a scalier which will help?
what is the item who provide the video photos etc ... you don't provide much to help
could be impedance signal or many things
The signal is created from a Printed Circuit board which is on an electron Microscope manufacture by JEOL LTD. They do not provide any information on this output. This output goes to a box which has no adjustment other than brightness. This box or Circuit is made by Teli in Japan 9M10N BE1198A9
As @coromonadalix says, we need more information. Given that we are talking about quite uncommon equipment, with no documentation according to what you say, I would try to look at the ICs on the PCB and read their datasheets. If you are lucky, this may pin down some of the information you need. Some photos of the PCB may help us suggest which ICs are the important ones to investigate.
It might conceivably be a PAL/50Hz video output feeding to NTSC/60Hz monitors, or maybe some other video mismatch.
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