Electronics > Repair

DM501 and FG502 repair. Sort of...

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So, as suggested, I replaced the lamp and added another 200 ohm resistor in series with the one already in place. This brings the current down to 20 mA instead of 25, the difference in light intensity is barely noticeable.

And yes, one segment on the LSD of the DC503 is defective, but we're talking unobtainium here...

David Hess:

--- Quote from: sdg on October 15, 2014, 09:41:27 pm ---So, as suggested, I replaced the lamp and added another 200 ohm resistor in series with the one already in place. This brings the current down to 20 mA instead of 25, the difference in light intensity is barely noticeable.
--- End quote ---

I need to do this to mine.  Tektronix often graded lamps for high reliability somehow and I wonder if that was the case here.

--- Quote ---And yes, one segment on the LSD of the DC503 is defective, but we're talking unobtainium here...
--- End quote ---

You could ask over on the TekScopes@yahoogroups.com email list.  I think someone made a replacement display board for these.  Broken ones are cheap enough though to be used as parts mules.


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