Electronics > Repair

DPO7254 Acq Board Mechanically Intermittent - affects all channels.


Hey group -
DPO7254 first starting having intermittent offset issues (zero was off by quite a bit). Running SPC used to take care of it.
Then SPC stopped working - fails during test - but all channels were still useable.
Now it's gotten all sorts of wonky. Moving position sometimes the trace doesn't "follow". Had one channel just flat-lined, didn't show any vertical.
Then all channels dead. Sometimes one channel has random noise on it but other channels work. When a channel is out, sometimes it's the only one out and one or more of the others are still working more-or-less.
Sometimes when a channel is "working" the amplitude is wrong (low) like it's being compressed or clamped.
I found that tapping on the Acq board made it pop in and out. So it is something mechanical or maybe bad solder on something.
i am begging here for advice from anyone that has knowledge of this board.
Since it affects all channels it must be something common to all channels, so I want to narrow down the suspects based on that.
I am going to consider reflowing the chip(s) most likely to be the issue.
Or if anyone has a good acq board for this series I would be interested in purchasing it.
Thanks in advance.

Hi maybe problems in your inter-board connectors/connections?

Hi charlyd,

A bit overdue with your advice. See:



would be nice to know when question(s)  have already been posted elsewhere .....

it's like two timing  ...

thks    @calibrationfixture

It s a while ago and now i saw groups.io/.
 too.  @dmeeks60 what happened exactly, did you fix or get it fixed...if so tell us what was done.
i have a DPO7254 staying arround where the ACQ board is waiting for a BGA chip before putting it into the soldering machine.

and an other one with problems. (error 316 where sine see other post here on evvblog..) so these unit fail easily and not much found on them

all info from those series is usable.
so please post...


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