It looks like it has a 12V output, the 5V rail is missing, and then the 12V output goes through an inductor, and off into the section w/ the SMD IC, that must control the current to the LED's. I don't see any other inductor, so is that series inductor, the big black one, part of a step-up converter from 12V to 32V ? What is that IC, I'd want to map out that circuit, see if that chip is happy or not, and if the parts around it have a problem.
Or is that IC just doing PWM for the brightness, and it really is only 12V max ??.......Ok it's the BIT3260, a PWM boost converter IC. So what voltage is on pin 2?
The EA pin controls the state of BIT3260. When EA 2V,
BIT3260 is enabled. And EA 0.8V, BIT3260 enters into
shutdown mode operation. with no load attached, what DC voltages do you get out ? The main switching transformer, the yellow thing in the middle, should step down the rectified mains voltage, to about 12VDC after those 2 big diodes. If there was a problem on the primary side, that voltage would be off, or it would go off once a load is on the output.
IDK if your replacement cap is the right size, but maybe it's too small if the output side is lacking current.