Electronics > Repair

eyeball repairs for ee work, looking forward to scaring people at makerspace


I just had cataract surgery, to improve my vision. Decades ago I read in PF Reporter or Electronic Servicing Magazine about the horrors of needing trifocals glasses.

If there is a thread of this, poke me there.

I learned that one should research a lot before going for surgery, good and bad. I read this forum as my favorite past-time, wish I had asked here first.

For fun stuff, I wanted to document color changes between eyes like color perception, and use GIMP to make my new eye vs old eye color rendition the same on the monitor., it was huge, now brain is making them the same.
Some facts: I have a borg type moving cat's reflection out of my eye to friends which freak out most users, but i will find it fun.

Anyway it is late, will pursue tomorrow.

I used to work for a company that made IOLs for cataract surgery and lasers for Lasik.  I've seen some gross eyeball videos...


--- Quote from: jh15 on May 08, 2014, 06:18:37 am --- I have a borg type moving cat's reflection out of my eye to friends which freak out most users, but i will find it fun.

--- End quote ---

Nice, probably due to the difference in refraction index of the lens and surrounding translucent eye stuff?

I have keratoconus, a slow progressing cornea disease. One eye has been treated with a corneal transplant, the other eye still has to be treated. No contact lens tolerance in that eye so I currently have only one useable eye. Unfortunately glasses cannot correct KC. It is a bit annoying to have no proper depth perception when soldering but overall I manage OK.

BTW, cataract surgery is quite common, especially with the elderly. A lot of surgery is done on outpatient basis with local aneasthesia. If I could I would happily exchange my messed up corneas with an easily replaceable clouded lens. Did you have complications?


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