I have an UEI DM393 (the true RMS version of the DM391 that Dave reviewed in the $100 shootout). I'm not the original owner so I don't know what went wrong with it or how it got into the following state.
Unfortunately, when I turn it on, all the segments are on full display and never disappear. When turning the range switch, all the segments are on. The backlight key works and the continuty buzzer works, but if I try to take a reading, obviously, I can't tell what is on the lcd.
Now this multimeter uses the FS9711_LP3, the successor predecessor I believe to the FS9721_LP3 rumored to be in the Fluke 17B.
Look at the datasheet for the FS9721_LP3 (I couldn't find one for the FS9711_LP3), I see that pins 48 to 65 control the lcd display and all the pins are designated as output (pages 6 and 7).
I have read through the datasheet a number of times over the last 2 weeks, but would like some clarification or confirmation on my understanding of the following:
Q1) From diagram 1 (block diagram), I'm assuming the microprocessor commands what segments are on and off based on the rotary switch and switch button. If correct, would something shorted or malfunctioning with the rotary switch and push buttons cause all the segments to be displayed?
Q2) Is it possible that the microprocessor is shorted or malfunctioning and just not turning off the segments after a self test?
Q3) Is it possible that something from the external regulation network is shorted and sending the wrong voltages to the microprocessor which causes the all the segments to come on?
Q4) Is there an application note for this chip that is available so I can understand it more?
I have tested as many discrete components on the board as I can and so far I found nothing out of the ordinary. I removed BD1 as it tested shorted in circuit only to find out it was good out of circuit.
Suggestions are welcome.