After some time after opening up this thread, and more time since i got this calibrator, it finally has come back to life
The idea of modding the Fluke 5820's A9 to use it as a Fluke 5500a's A9 board, although possible requires a lot of work and modding that involves cutting traces. So i dropped that idea
But thanks to ddrl46's amazing work the Fluke 5500a has now a working A9 board. He took the time and effort to have develop a working A9 board
The board came and was installed without much trouble.
But after powering up the calibrator the first time with the new board I realized that calibrator had other issues, and that probably was the reason that it got his a9 board removed.
I was getting the Error 104, and if I executed the diagnostics I also got Error 399
Also thanks to ddrl46's help, i was pointed in the right direction, and started to look for the problem
The problem was located in the A8 board, the voltage generation board. Initially found a missing component, Q19.
After some troubleshooting, realized that the Error 104 is always triggered by the _Fault line that it's shared between boards. Leaving connected just the A8 and the A6 board narrowed the problem
And after some time i noticed that under some circumstances the 65v supplies were faulty. +65 were quite high (72v) and -65v supply was down (-15v)
The transformer it's good, and also the capacitors, diodes and transistors. But i found 2 of 4 1ohm resistors that connect the 65COM to SCOM open, so the 65v secondaries from the transformer were floating in relation to the SCOM
I replaced the four resistors in the A8 board (R55, R56, R63 and R65). The supplies were good again and I tested the calibrator. That showed no more errors.