The problem is that when strapped for 110 V I get only about 2V on the 5V output and nothing on the other outputs. (no load).
In this configuration (110V), the input rectifier and capacitors are acting as a voltage doubler (so the DC voltage on the primary is ~300V).
When configured for 220V (just a bridge rectifier), the DC on the primary is only ~150V but I get the correct output voltages (however it cannot take the rated load ... for obvious reasons)
This is how the unit was configured when it came from eBay (wrong voltage setting) 8-(
As received, the Logic analyzer was working but the oscilloscope board was not. Upon opening I saw that the cable to the oscilloscope board was missing. When reconnected, the additional load was enough to cause the PS to come out of regulation (dropping the 5V to 3.5V).
The behavior is a little odd because the secondary must be fine and if it's something like the over voltage devices breaking down then I would expect the input fuse would blow. I replaced the two big input capacitors with no improvement (and all the capacitors I replaced, I checked and found them fine). I just got an isolation transformer so I can start doing some debugging on the primary.