The Blazer torches are great in my opinion The BIG SHOT INDUSTRIAL TORCH is more powerful and versatile, but the GB 2001 MICRO TORCH is loved by many, and would do a perfect job in this and similar applications. Obviously, for such a small part, almost any torch will do.
I usually use Borax for flux, and for this application I will go with a silver brazing wire of 40% or 50% silver. There are many alloys available, but I have mine for many years now and I do not remember how I got them, nor the brands.
In general, the higher the silver content, the higher the price, melting temperature, and hardness (as well as somewhat increased difficulty in brazing --- but this is a very rough statement).
I find the ability to silver braze to be a good thing to have. I do not use it often, but it was just the ticket on a number of occasions.