Quick update: I managed to get my Gpib setup working enough to clear the error logs, and indeed, the nvLibrarians errors are gone.
Cool. Any chance to drop me a dump of the two EEPROMs? Thanks!
It might not be a good idea at all for you to write another TDSxxxA oscilloscope EEPROM's content. The content of both these two EEPROM contains the very fine calibration value of your Acquisition board.
There are some techniques to eventually recover the content of your old EEPROMs content which would be then written in the new sets of EEPROM. Otherwise you have no choice to run a complete calibration of your Oscope in order have dedicated and valid content, again highly related to your specific A10 acquisition board.
If there is something you do not want to have wrong with precise TDS Oscope is the integrity of these two EEPROMs