A connector for HDMI cable broke (the cable comming out of a wall , no way to replace whole cable)
I am going to cut off at broken connector and solder new cable with good connector.
I rung up group of 3 wires in a common foil shield and the pins are
wire1 - pin1 - TDMS Data2 +
wire2 pin3 - TDMS Data2 -
wire3 pin5 - TMDS Data1 Shield/Ground)
according to
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HDMI and other sources, the wire3 in data2 group should be leading to pin2 "DMTS Data2 Shield/Ground", but it does lead to data1 shield/ground.
Is this OK ?
Are the shield/ground wires from each group (3 wire groups, there are 5 such groups, each shielded with separte foil shield) brought to same point at the device ?