Hi All
My heat pump has a strange problem which i am trying to figure out. I do not have ideas on how to approach the issue. Initially i thought the thermistor for the geyser was faulty so I purchased a new one. The old one simply showed water temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees. Occassionally the temperature would be ok and the heat pump would heat up water. Now with the new sensor, first day it was ok worked perfectly. Then the next day around 7pm, the temperature started creeping towards 60 when the actual water temp was around 40degrees. Switching the settings to use outgoing temperature solves the problem. Water is heated properly as per requirement. But if i use the incoming temperature, the issue resurfaces. The temperature goes up and heat pump wont heat the water as the temp will be above normal. Strangely enough, as soon day the starts when the outside warms up, the heat pump starts reading the temperature correctly and operates normally. Now iam trying to figure possible causes to determine if this is a minor issue and where i can start and diagnose or simply get a new board.