Hi HighVoltage
Back to DMM have error 602 , i follow your guide with short all terminal and running calibration, but not help .
I check AC Circuit Schematics and mearsurement powersupply .
Main power supply have +18,7V and -18,24V , drop through CR306 , CR305 for V+ , CR307, CR304 for V- ( you can see in Page 9-11 service manual )
In CR306 - CR305 have drop 3,7V and 3,55V - 15A and 15B have 15.07V
In CR307 - CR304 have drop 3,6V and 3,7V - -15A and -15B have -14,5V
AC out from AD637 RMS convert in AC range have 1,5V ( Pin 4 Q301 to ACGND - very large - with service manual must have from -10mV to 70mV )
I checked tantalum cap ( C312 C323 for negative supply and C311 C322 for positive supply ) everything OK, no leak no burn ,short or open
With offset go to high in output AD637 , how can i check and reduce offset . Do you think coupling cap C316 - C312 and Cav - C318 0.22uF have broken ?
( From Datasheet AD637 "The value of C AV and the 25 k? feedback resistor establish the averaging time constant, and solely determines the magnitude of the rms-to-dc conversion error "
"The ac ripple component of averaging error is greatly reduced by increasing the value of the averaging capacitor. However, the value of the averaging capacitor increases exponentially while the settling time increases directly proportion to the value of the averaging capacitor (T S = 115 ms/µF of averaging capacitance). " )
Many thank so much !
Best regards
Nam Nguyen Hai