Are you sure that it is not a problem relating to the potentiometer adjusting zero? I noticed a similar error in my keithley electrometer, which also has a zero adjust pot.
It is an interesting story because it had a similar problem, where when I got to around 0, it would get rather erratic and before I knew it it was at a non zero value, I thought maybe that there was dirty in the potentiometer so I took it apart, had a look inside, it looked great, well lubricated, no problem. WHen I put it back together the machine worked much better. I noticed this only happened around zero, if I left it some where else (at a non zero offset) then it would be pretty stable.
I realized the problem was that the knob on the device was not mounted properly, it was off at an angle, and it just so happened to be that at the position where 0 normally is the knob was pushing against the housing, exerting a torque on the potentiometer (I had noticed earlier it did not rotate very smoothly, like it would be "scratchy" at the point right where zero should be, I took this scratchyness to mean the internals of the pot were bad, not that the knob was scraping against the meter housing).
Obviously when I reassembled the meter the zero adjust worked much better because I was more careful in tightening the knob.
If this is un clear
meter | | -this is what it should be, the bottom face of the knob should be parallel to the meter and seperated by some distance.
What I had:
|/ - the knob was attached non parallel do the housing and it was too close, so at a certain point in its rotation it would scratch.
Anyway, but defiantly check that potentiometer for dirt and possibly mechanical problems.