I recently scored a hitachi V-1150 on ebay. It arrived today and did even work for about 3 minutes
The focus went crazy in that time, drifting all over the place. No way to get the trace focused for more than a few seconds.
After a few minutes the trace vanished and was never seen again. Tracefinder does not help, XY mode does not help either. I checked all voltages mentioned in the service manual. They are spot on. Also, the horizontal and vertical deflection seems to work as far as I can tell by looking at the plate's waveforms.
HV is there, too. I could discharge the tube via 10mm air gap. However, I lack the equipment to measure this voltage directly.
There is no response on the screen when I switch the unit off. But there is a short, wide beam on the screen when I switch the unit on while the cathode is still hot. This lasts about 0.5s or so.
I *think* that the problem is either with the Z blanking or with the focus voltage. Has anyone had a similar problem with an analog scope?
Got any hints for me?
- Phil