EEVblog Electronics Community Forum

Electronics => Repair => Topic started by: lionelkjh on May 14, 2018, 10:42:08 am

Title: HM8030-3
Post by: lionelkjh on May 14, 2018, 10:42:08 am
Hello everyone! I am currently restoring a HAMEG HM8030-3, and I am looking for the calibration procedure. I did not find anything on the internet, and I only have the general documentation and the test of the generator; but not its complete calibration (by potentiometers). Can someone help me ?? In advance, thank you very much! :-//
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: coromonadalix on May 14, 2018, 09:26:20 pm
well  a little googlefuu  has given this in the first answers : ( ( (
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: lionelkjh on May 15, 2018, 05:43:46 am
Hello; the version used here is not the same, because it is more recent (HM8030-6, and that sought is HM8030-3); for the other documentation provided, it is a test phase, not the calibration .... |O
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: oldway on May 15, 2018, 07:22:21 am
This is from the 8030-2, I think there is no difference with the 8030-3.

EDIT: A remark on the project of this function generator: the display of the frequency has a very relative precision because this frequency is not really measured .... In fact, it is a fraction of the voltage of the vco that is measured, not the frequency of the signal.

Why this solution?

If we used a frequency counter, there would be a delay which would make it difficult to adjust the frequency by a potentiometer
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: lionelkjh on May 15, 2018, 03:56:28 pm
I search the internal procedure of the complete calibration of the HM8030-3, the version to its importance, because the others are not the same. The attached document corresponds to different external settings ......
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: oldway on May 15, 2018, 05:04:01 pm
I think you're complicating your life .... Yes; the appearance of the 8030-2 and the 8030-3 are different (these are just details) but in my opinion, the circuit boards and diagrams are the same.

These function generators are simple, they are not precision devices, there is nothing difficult to adjust them. (Calibration is a word a bit strong, moreover, the service manual speaks of adjustments, not calibration)
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: coromonadalix on May 16, 2018, 10:51:19 am
@ lionelkjh      ask Hameg for the calibration / adjustments procedure if your not satisfied ???
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: lionelkjh on May 16, 2018, 10:56:57 am
Hello; I just contacted the Hameg service in Germany, and they no longer have the calibration manual .... Cdt :scared:
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: oldway on May 16, 2018, 02:24:42 pm
Hello; I just contacted the Hameg service in Germany, and they no longer have the calibration manual .... Cdt :scared:
Not only did they no longer have but they never had it ...

The only thing that exists is the adjustment procedure that I have already posted ....

You can not understand that the HM8030-2 is a device for hobbyist, it is not a precision device .... There is not even a quartz to ensure the stability of the oscillator ....

Calibrate a simple bullshit RC vco ? You are kidding or what?  :-DD
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: glarsson on May 16, 2018, 02:40:54 pm
Why the need for a calibration manual? Calibration is the process of comparing with a standard and writing down read values and if the value us within the tolerances.
Unfortunately many believe that calibration is some better variant of adjustment.
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: anotherlin on May 16, 2018, 04:08:13 pm
The only thing that exists is the adjustment procedure that I have already posted ....
You can not understand that the HM8030-2 is a device for hobbyist, it is not a precision device .... There is not even a quartz to ensure the stability of the oscillator Calibrate a simple bullshit RC vco ? You are kidding or what?  :-DD

I think you're a bit harsh regarding Hameg.
They don't claim to be super high-end precision instrument, but it's more than enough for doing consumer electronics design/R&D (let's say audio).
They are not built with cheap components and can be used professionally 40h a week, not only for hobbyist or education.
Not all applications need a signal generator featuring an ovenized quartz reference.

As for the HM8030-3, it seems to have more in common with the 8030-4 than 8030-2.
Without an "adjustment" manual, it would be a quite tedious job to know which trimmer is doing what.
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: oldway on May 16, 2018, 06:09:42 pm
I think you are very poorly informed about old HAMEG products.

Hameg had developed 2 product lines:
1) a line of low cost products intended primarily for hobbyist called modular system 8000 series.
This system consisted of a basic box with power supply for two plug-in modules.

2) a line of professional products for the industry called 8100 system.

Your HM8030 belongs to the line of low cost products for hobbyist.

For the industry, Hameg sold the HM8130 and 8131 function generators which cost 5 times more.

Now, if you look at the diagram and analyze it, you will understand my statements.

The HM8030 is not quartz locked oscillator, nor synthesized, It is a simple RC VCO, it does not even have a counter, if you want a minimum of accuracy, you must use an external counter.

The precision will then be that of your external counter.

NB:  The HAMEG  modular system 8000 series is not to be compared with TM500 / TM5000 of TEKTRONIX.

Not the same level of quality, nor technology !
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: anotherlin on May 17, 2018, 12:01:45 am
You don't get my point: For some professional use, sometimes, a basic/simple/entry level yet sturdy signal generator is all you need.
If you're doing some consumer electronics, scientific lab precision, or GPIB programmable (like the 8100 series), are not needed.
And in fact, the whole point of buying some (cheaper) Hameg instruments, is to have only what is needed to do your job correctly.
That is, without spending 5 times more money than necessary.

I personnaly owned Hameg's stuff in the past, notably the HM8030-4.
Now I'm actually owning TM5000 and TM500 stuff.
The quality between Tektronix and Hameg is the same. Hameg was built in Germany or France.
The technology of Tektronix is of course better, Tektronix always targeted the high end, the high performance.
So of course, the specification, precision, functionalities were better than Hameg.
But the price (when new) is not the same.
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: oldway on May 17, 2018, 08:39:07 am
You enter into contradiction with yourself.

If this instrument is sufficient for your applications, why look for a calibration procedure (which does not exist), simply make the adjustments described in the document I posted and it will be within the limits of the manufacturer's technical specifications.

If you have any doubts, check the caracteristics of the function generator after the adjustment procedure I posted.

The technical specifications of this function generator are very weak, for example:

1) Frequency stability: 0.1% / h (specified only for the medium position of the frequency control !!!) And the other positions?
No specification for variations as a function of temperature!  |O

2) THD sine: 3% from 0.1Hz to 1Mhz ...  :-DD

3) Frequency measurement accuracy: from 0.1Hz to 1Mhz: 3% +/- Least significant digit.  :-DD

This is clearly a device for hobbyist and these technical specifications are not even acceptable today.

Make adjustments recommended by HAMEG and your function generator will work perfectly.

Stop inventing problems where there is none.
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: oldway on May 17, 2018, 09:13:48 am
About the comparison of the quality of Hameg and Tektronix products, here is my personnal experience.

You will certainly agree that the quality level includes that of the components used.

I bought a new Hameg HM605 oscilloscope in 1982 and I still use it.

But, it had to be repaired a considerable number of times:

Have to be replaced: CA3127 (twice), Bridge rectifier (twice) 2 electrolytic capacitors exploded, HV voltage multiplier, transistors 2N3866, many cold solders had to be resoldered.

To be compared with the reliability of a 465 or 2235 Tektronix scope.  :palm:
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: coromonadalix on May 18, 2018, 01:21:34 am
we should get back to the thread subject ....
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: oldway on May 18, 2018, 06:53:43 am
we should get back to the thread subject ....
Whoever decides what is on topic or not is the topic starter.

I answered the post where anotherlin compared the level of technology and quality of Hameg and Tektronix.

You are not moderator, if something does not please you, report it to the moderators, it is up to them to decide, not to you.

NB: see reply 8 of Simon (

It would be even easier if we had less "self made moderators" (remember we banned one before?) having a go at people and if people simply reported posts they are suspicious of. And it seems that these days if someone thinks they have found a troll they do nothing but feed it. Yes we do our best to keep the forum running smoothly but ultimately the forum is what it's users make it.
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: coromonadalix on May 18, 2018, 08:52:56 pm
Comparing technology levels as you say is not relevant to the original posting of a person asking how to calibrate and or adjust his signal gen,

your not a mod too,  and you should know when its enough and return to the topic ...   un-needed postings and not helping lionelkjh at all
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: oldway on May 19, 2018, 12:54:54 pm
Comparing technology levels as you say is not relevant to the original posting of a person asking how to calibrate and or adjust his signal gen,

your not a mod too,  and you should know when its enough and return to the topic ...   un-needed postings and not helping lionelkjh at all
Please read the whole topic before posting such bullshit.

1) you will find that the problem of lionelkjh is solved because what he seeks does not exist .... In some manuals of Hameg, there are the schemas, the list of components and the procedure of adjustments.

Hameg has never published a "calibration procedure", there are only adjustment procedures that I have posted.

2) Nobody helped lionekjh better than me since I explained why he can not find the document he is looking for ... simply, they doe not exist.

3) I explained why it does not exist: the HM 8030 belongs to a range of products not intended for professional use.

Tolerances and technical specifications are very wide and do not allow or justify a calibration .... A simple adjustment is enough.

4) You have not provided yourself any calibration procedure, so you have not helped lionekjh, nor provided a solution to his problem. So, you are very bad at criticizing others.

You did it writing clearly that lionelkjh is even not able to search on Google and again writing that I am posting "un-needed" post  and that I am not helping lionelkjh.

It's really a shame when I provided the solution to the problem.  |O  :box: :box:

About relevance of my posts, I will not answer because you are trolling and I don't want to feed your trol.

Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: anotherlin on May 19, 2018, 01:38:42 pm
Please read the whole topic before posting such bullshit.
It's really a shame when I provided the solution to the problem.  |O  :box: :box:

About relevance of my posts, I will not answer because you are trolling and I don't want to feed your trol.

Maybe you should calm down a bit.

As I said before, the HM8030-3 may have more in common with the HM8030-4 than the HM8030-2.
The 8030-3 may have been improved in the meantime.
Without a specific "adjustement" manual for the HM8030-3, it is difficult to find where are the "adjustment" trimmers on the board.

Have a look to the PCBs of the 8030-2 vs. 8030-3, they are very different : ( (

Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: oldway on May 19, 2018, 04:39:19 pm
Please read the whole topic before posting such bullshit.
It's really a shame when I provided the solution to the problem.  |O  :box: :box:

About relevance of my posts, I will not answer because you are trolling and I don't want to feed your trol.

Maybe you should calm down a bit.

As I said before, the HM8030-3 may have more in common with the HM8030-4 than the HM8030-2.
The 8030-3 may have been improved in the meantime.
Without a specific "adjustement" manual for the HM8030-3, it is difficult to find where are the "adjustment" trimmers on the board.

Have a look to the PCBs of the 8030-2 vs. 8030-3, they are very different : ( (

Can't you understand that this is not the problem ?  |O

lionelkjh has already the manual of the HM8030-3 with boards, schematics and adjustment procedures.....  :phew:   But he is not satisfied with that, he want its complete calibration (by potentiometers). (
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: anotherlin on May 19, 2018, 08:47:17 pm
lionelkjh has already the manual of the HM8030-3 with boards, schematics and adjustment procedures.....

Then it would be great to post them.
Currently the only manual for the HM8030-3 that can be found online, is a user manual with some functionnal tests.
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: oldway on May 20, 2018, 05:04:48 am
lionelkjh has already the manual of the HM8030-3 with boards, schematics and adjustment procedures.....

Then it would be great to post them.
Currently the only manual for the HM8030-3 that can be found online, is a user manual with some functionnal tests.
He did not get them online, he asked for them and obtained directly from HAMEG.

Someone already asked him to post them, he did not answer.
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: lionelkjh on May 25, 2018, 04:17:46 pm
Hello everyone! Finally I found the solution: thanks again!
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: shakalnokturn on May 26, 2018, 07:16:12 am
Always asking and never giving only lasts a while, especially once people realise you're making cash on the repairs.
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: lionelkjh on May 26, 2018, 09:25:34 am
I do not remove anything from my repairs, since it is for my workshop, so for a strictly personal use !! We must stop to say any betise when we do not know anything about people!
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: oldway on May 27, 2018, 06:40:18 pm
Hello everyone! Finally I found the solution: thanks again!
What was this solution ?
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: shakalnokturn on May 27, 2018, 07:09:09 pm
It's a secret!
Title: Re: HM8030-3
Post by: RANKZER0 on May 01, 2023, 07:49:38 pm
Hi All,

Stumbled across this thread, as I had brought a second hand HM8030-3 a while back and finally had a use for it (Tube amp) and I realised it was completely out of calibration. Based on the post from coromonadalix, I was able to figure out how to adjust it. While it's 5years later, does anyone still need to know? As I found it was pretty frustrating that I could fine no information on calibrating this model.