had tons or problems to make a blue pill work, boot loader problems i did not understood i'm a total nooob for this
He sent me an firmware.bin file who replace the boot loader, and have the debug option, thus always needing an st-link to work.
Heres the results on a serial monitor (attached photo) , i dont have an oled display, never received it.
my comments
Inverted the miso mosi line going to the blue pill (if im not mistaken)
pb13 is the clk
pb14 is the 34401a mosi line / blue pill miso
pb15 is the 34401a miso line / blue pill mosi
ground wire
Arduino IDE board enumeration is :
BN: Maple Mini
PID: 0x0004
SN: Upload any sketch to obtain it
Select com9 ; it says Maple Mini
I start the Arduino serial monitor and voila is see the data coming out ... woh hoooooooo
Q: What are the 2 lines of Annunciators meanings ?
they have 0000 0001 etc ...
Going right to left in the menus
Dcv - Acv - 2w / 4w ohms - freq - period - DCI - ACI all went fine, annunciators follow fine, played with the range arrow more digits less digits all ok
Continuity spits data very fast and crashes
Diode test spits data very fast and crashes the pill red light flashes ?
The rs232 monitoring seems to crash the communications ... not enough buffers ?? or slow down theses tests ??
Have to unplug power or a long reset and restart rs323 monitoring
If i do a long reset the red led flashing is gone, restart monitoring, all is fine, if i'm outside continuity or diode tests.
Goood job you have done thks for your patience and many emails exchanged.