Thanks for the tip, I found a plugin for can do it too so I'm using it now. GIMP's ux makes my skin crawl.
I took the multimeter apart and did a whole lot of measurements.
TLDR is I'll have to do a custom board.
All measurements in mm
Viewport dimensions (cutout in front panel plastic): 143.5x27
Useable width of the viewport (metal chassis takes away few mm on the left) ~137mm
OLED display board dimensions: 100.5x33.5
Blue Pill mcu board dimensions (without jtag header, board only): 53x23
In terms of height everything fits fine, the original display has a metal shroud that is 35mm, new display board will fit there easily.
Depth is tight but should be ok too. Old display has distance board to top of glass of 13.3mm but it sits in a little recess in the viewport. New display doesn't fit in that recess so I have to fit into 11.5mm of depth. And there is that fat DIP42 UPD7527 that takes 4-4.2mm of space under display. So there is ~7.3 left. New display is 6.5mm deep, including components on back side.
Problem is width. As you can see 53 + 100.5 > 137 by quite a bit. You can win 6-8mm by moving display to the right so that the board edge and part of display bezel edge is not in the viewport but it is still not enough.
If you overlap left part of display board with mcu board and chop off the jtag header part completely (may have to sacrifice LEDs too) then maaaybe it will fit. But that is too barbaric for my taste.
So next thing i'll focus on is designing custom board. It's a shame, many people are afraid of soldering 0.5mm pitch qfps so it will limit this mod's accessibility for a hobbyist. I just hope that the kind of people that have this type of instrument are advanced enough in the soldering department that it won't be much of a deterrent. With custom board I will be able to stick the USB out through a small cutout in the front window panel. That will make firmware updates so much easier.
And no, arduino pro mini while being smaller doesn't have the speed. 8bit AVRs suck these days, their only upside is availability in easily soldered packages.
On the bright side, the display is quite, well, bright
even behind the original tinted window. It doesnt even tint it blue, just decreases the contrast a bit.
Without the window both displays have approximately the same contrast and brightness.