I can’t believe this. I get home, self test, it fails. I turn it off and back on, check the voltage going into U401-B, solid 5V. I check the voltage going into U411 (pretty sure that’s the right number, going off memory right now) and it’s a perfect 5V. Turned it off, self test, and I haven’t been able to get the darn thing to fail since. Everything is spot on too. AC/DC voltage, resistance, frequency, continuity, everything that I’ve checked. I have no idea what changed, but something did. I’m wondering if maybe the input voltage was low? Maybe I could hook it up to a variac and sweep from 100-120 VAC? It doesn’t make much sense to me but that’s about all I can think of (besides that X-Class solar flare that just hit, but that’s a stretch I think). I don’t know, I’m at a loss…but atleast it’s working (knock on wood) for now.