So, this was supposed to be a post about the repair of a DM501 plug-in. Got one off eBay, dirt cheap, supposedly displays only garbage, but only when the display decides to work... well...
Postman drops the package, unpacking, inspection: no obviously charred components, no bulged caps, no shorts on the power lines, the magic smoke appears to be wherever it's supposed to be. Hmmm... so far, so good. I just got a TM500 extender, so it's time for a live test : power on and...

It works perfectly ! And it's even perfectly calibrated, actually better than my DM501A on the ohms ranges !
Okay. Time for plan B : a FG502 sig gen, also off eBay, sold for parts, "doesn't power on". Visual inspection OK, no damaged parts, no bulged caps, no obvious shorts. Plugs-in and indeed, the power light doesn't turn on. A bit strange, since all the power rails check ok. Hmmm... what's on the output ?
Yep. A nice, perfectly stable sine wave. And the other waveforms are okay too.
Well you guessed it, a blown lightbulb...

So much for a nice rainy afternoon spent repairing vintage hardware...
BTW, Mouser stocks the lamp (it's a CM7220). What's the general consensus: should I just change the lightbulb or go for a LED replacement ?