Hi, hope you can help, I did that But.................I burnt eproms from a working IFR1200 , put the new eproms in & the cpu card is now bricked- I put the old eproms back in with no change, I took from another IFR1200 a good working CPU card and put in the eproms and it is bricked now --- are there some kind of blanking program that has to be run before changing the eproms ? -- I removed the batt and discharged the caps to try to clear and still no go - the display is blank when the cpu card is not working, all you will get is @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ flash when you power down the unit - I put a good CPU card in and the unit works great --but now I have a few dead IFR1200s as I have Bricked there cpu card - any one got any answers please, Thanks