It would be tricky to get good performance from individual resistors. Resistor arrays (e.g. MORN series) can get quite good matching, especially with intermediate resistor values. If one would not mind a slightly higher supply current, one could separate the ohms part (the 13.3 V - should be less critical) and the reference amplification. This way 4 x 10 K could be used instead of the (1K+9K) + 10 K +20 K.
The 30 K are not standard values, so maybe as 10K+20K or an array with 10 x 10 K.
The amplifier gain (1K+9K+90K) could use a resistor array (VTF330).
At the very lest one could use ACAS resistor arrays, which are the same size as 4 x 0603.