Hi everyone,
Time to post some pictures ! Here they are.
As you can see, wiring is pretty messy.
Some heatshrinks have not even been heated and are moving along the wires ...
Voltage and Amp meters board:
Main boards:
Power transistors:
Anyway, the good news is: although I did not took the time to fully compare each component of my PSU to the Velleman one, the schematic from the Velleman power supply is probably THE schematic for mine (and many other clones I guess).
I sampled a few components for comparison with the schematic, and there are only minor variations in some components numbers: for instance mine has V6 = Zener 6.5V and R2 = 1k, while the Velleman is V6 = Zener 6.2V and R2 = 560. Not a big deal I guess.
Other noticeable difference compared to mine: on the Velleman, R10 and R12 are 0.82ohm (for a 3A PSU), while mine is R10 and R12 = 0.5ohm (for a 5A PSU).
I guess with R10 and R12 = 0.25, we may end up with a 10A PSU, but power dissipation of transistors shall be checked prior to do this mod. I don't know either if the Ampmeter are properly setup for higher amps.
Details not shown on the Velleman schematic: my PSU is fitted with 2 XFMR, one for each main channels.
One of these, two separate secondary coils power the voltage and ampmeters of each channel.
The other XFMR is used to generate the fixed 5V output, thanks to a 10.8V secondary output coil.
The bridge rectifier, hidden below the wires:
And this small PCB for the regulation:
@macboy: I don't have the schematic for the +5V fixed output, nor I will have time to reverse engineer the PCB. However, I did my best with pictures so you can try to reverse engineer this part of the PSU. There are not many components so by checking them one by one, you'll quickly find which is the failed one.
It might not be obvious but some solders are pretty ugly.
For Folks on this forum who speaks Italian, here's a copy of the manual of my PSU.
http://www.dimelweb.com/store/Manuali/ManualeAlimentatoreDuale.pdfPages 6 to 9 seem to be quite interesting as they describe in detail how the PSU works. However, I do not speak Italian at all so it might be full garbage. Anyway, with the support of the Velleman schematic, it will be much easier to understand how this PSU works.
And for modder, new mods might emerge ...
@3roomlab: as far as I checked, I do not have any thermistors, fans are always running. They are powered from the +12VDC, at the ouput of N3 (see schematic).