My Macbook Pro no longer turns on.
Small amounts of a carbonated soft drink have leaked onto the keyboard. The Macbook did not shut down. To avoid further damage, I switched it off and left it to dry for a day.
It has not turned on since then. Neither via battery nor via power cable. I have tried all four usb-c ports.
Technical Information
· Macbook Pro 15" 2017
· Model according to backplate: A1707
I have opened the cover and tried to look for optical faults. Unfortunately, I did not remove the mainboard completely, but only examined the down facing side.
The liquid indicators are unchanged. I noticed that one side of one inductor was a little sticky and the looked different in color. A little brown.
Before I completely remove the mainboard, I wanted to ask where I can get components for it. I know digikey and mouser. However, it is difficult for me to find the right component. How do I find this resistor for example, attached?
Edit 14.03.2024 17:10:
· corrected naming of electronic components (replaced resistor with inductor)
· added side view showing corrosion