Electronics > Repair
NAD S300 Amp Question
Hi All, I've been doing some repair work on a NAD S300 amplifier and am struggling to understand the function of the plus and minus drive lines with respect to the operation of the gain stage and power amp - J315/J321 on the gain stage and J515/J521 on the power amp.
I'd really appreciate a basic explanation of how the circuit functions in relation to these signals and how they relate to/influence the input signal. Many thanks.
on one page you have the power amplifier section, drives lines are just a name to the driver section of the second page
there was not enough place to put all the schematic, drive line could be called pre-driver section etc ...
the "output" line is returned to the op amp TL074, who provide output feedback to the pre-driver section, and another op amp section for the error detection ...
q501 is your Bias transistor, it should be placed on the heatsink ? or at least be in contact with
Thanks coromonadalix, the gain stage is on the main board with the power amp separate, hence the connector identification. This pair is duplicated for the other (right) channel. I think I understand your point to mean these 'drive signals' are simply interconnections between the main and power amp boards and the title 'drive' is simply an identifier. That makes more sense now although I'd like to understand the circuit operation better before the complimentary driver pairs (Q507/509, Q511/513, Q515/517, Q519/521). Am I right in thinking the primary purpose of the op-amps is to reduce inherent noise (i.e. to improve THD)?
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